What makes your house a home, a place that denotes your personal retreat, the haven that welcomes you day & night? The stone or timber that makes up your home? The paint or render of your walls? The natural light of day that filters through the trees of your garden, & that reflects from the windows? The path to your door, or a favourite wall lantern to welcome you home in the evening? A plaque that identifies your property? The planter boxes that sit either side of your front door? Or the gumboots that have been on the verandah to dry after walking in the rain with the dogs?
In Autumn & winter, we seek our cosy retreat, in Spring & Summer, we throw open the doors & windows to embrace the warmer breezes & lightness of day extended for all to enjoy...
Regardless of whether the road winds to your door, or sits at the street, a townhouse, country or coastal retreat or intimate studio space...your home welcomes you in...nurture your haven to make you happy, you're now 'home'....