Easter morning began in our household with the sun streaming through, as we sat enjoying hot cross buns, coffee & of course, chocolate treats from Easter Bunny. I know not good to eat it too soon in the day, but really quite difficult to refuse with such festive spirits in the air! Not to be left out, we had special Easter treats for our beautiful retriever Max, as he so patiently sat with his tail wagging furiously. Sunshine in the park followed, then a gorgeous trip to the Morning Peninsula. Not even the traffic could sway my restful thoughts of walking along the sand, with the sun on my back, & the crystal blue water lapping at my feet. Upon arriving at the beach, with latte in hand, the atmophere was quite simply heaven, & the perfect space to relax for the afternoon.
Enjoy the rest of the festive holiday, & have fun doing whatever makes you happy :-)
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